The Salford's historic Crescent pub is set roar back to life as The Red Dragon. And two former customers would definitely approve. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are believed to have drunk there together as they formulated the ideas of communism in the 19th century.
在恩格斯诞辰200周年之际,英国马克思-恩格斯国际人文交流学会(The International Association of Marx-Engels Humanity Exchanges and Studies, 简称MEIA)与中国首都师范大学马克思主义学院与于11月27日联合主办了线上“纪念恩格斯诞辰200周年”国际学术研讨会。
2020年11月26日,为纪念伟大革命导师恩格斯诞辰200周年,中华人民共和国驻曼彻斯特总领事馆举办了线上纪念活动,英国马克思-恩格斯国际人文交流学会(The International Association of Marx-Engels Humanity Exchanges and Studies,简称MEIA)提供了协助。